Remodels and Custom Skins Downloads
I now have all the Custom Skins and Remodels moved to the Yankex Disk. The links above work and have individucal downlaods for each tank.
For a Remodel they are under the nation, with nation name only, i.e., german. For Custom Skins (no remodel) they are by nation underline skins and tyepe. For example american_skins/td_spg.
I have also added some additional skins for various models.
- American – T-37, T71, T-29, T26E4 SP, M48A1 (HD), T69 (HD), Chaffee
- German – Tiger 1, JP II, JPIV. Dickermax, Tiger II, Maus, E-100, Hetzer, PzIV-S, Panther M10, Jagdpanzer 88
- French – ARL44, ELC, AMX 13-90