Grandpa’s WoWP Crosshairs
Grandpa’s Crosshairs for WoWP
This package contain numerous crosshair views for WoWP
The only “set” of views is the grandpa’s_favorites, which contain sniper, bomber, and turret view that I like the most and use during game play. Installation instructions are outlined below. You can mix and match for your installation to create your won “set” on just install individual crosshairs to suit your needs.
For example:
There are 3 parts to a crosshairs “set”.
- Sniper, provides your normal and sniper zoom views. Also contains the views for “weapons hot” if so desired
- Bomber, provides view for bomber type aircraft (not for multi-purpose or heavy with bombs)
- Turret, provides view for turret crosshairs for all type of aircraft with a turret gunner
You may install 1, 2, or all 3 types to get the look you want.
Below are some images of the different crosshairs during game play
- The outer circles (pale yellow) help me when leading and/or lagging, especially at a distance. In close in a turn and burn scenario, placing the outer ring just in front of the target nose usually gets constant hits.
- As for the center, I have tried to keep it clear and free.
- All options come with the sniper view clear of all obstructions and glare.
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