ere is what I know about fonts. There are two fonts used in WoWP 2.0 ZanCond and Tahoma, in regular and bold. So 4 font definitions. They are in gfxfontlib.swf file These are just the font faces, color and size control is somewhere else. So what I have done is replace these fonts with other monospaced fonts that I feel deliver a better view. In the download file there are presently 7 new gfxfontlib.swf files, each with 2 font faces.
I also learned that some fonts match up or work well with each other. Most, if not all, of these combos are from Google fonts for better web viewing, so they are easy to see and read.
To Install: Copy the gfxfontlib.swf file of your choice to the res_mods/<version>/gui/flash directory. You can experiment to find the combo you think best fits you. Just remember to restart the game after you change files.
Combos are in sets of 5, Top 5, Runners Up, and Also Ran. I had others dduring testing, but didn’t like them. To start I highly recommend the Roboto and Open Sans or the Roboto and Lato. All of the top 5 work very well, its just a matter of personal preference.
Top 5
- Roboto and Lato
- Roboto and Open Sans
- Roboto and Roboto Slab
- Roboto and Mukta Vaani
- Roboto and Roboto Condensed
Runners Up
- Airmo and Asap
- Open Sans and Liberation
- Arial and Corbel
- Work Sans and PT Sans
- Mukta Mahee and Mukta Malar
Also Ran
- Calibri and Carlito
- Bahnscrift and Seqoe UI
- Bree Serif and Tahoma
- Segoe Print, Schoolbully, and Karmina Bold (did this as an experiment to find which font was primary and it turned out so well, kept it. If you trying out fonts give this a try.)
~ Old Post ~
I have never liked the font in WoWP, especially in batle. Tied to figure out where to change it, but never quite got there. Found this on a RU server and tested it. Works great.
- Font is slightly larger
- More “crisp”
- No shadow
Really good for a better visual of the OTM. Only issue I saw was that altitude was a little to large for its container, but its not a big issue. At least now I can see my speed and altitude a lot better.
Inside the zip there are two folders gui which goes into the res_mods/ folder and one in Russian, that contains the font, which you need to install on your PC. Right click, select install.