Grandpa’s Damage Log (No XVM)
Includes Zayaz Damage Panel and Protanki Damage Log, with Grandpa config.
To install
- Download Grandpa’s configuration
- Download Protanki Damage Panel mod from here
- Move/copy the mods directory into the World of Tanks game directory
- Move th grandpa_damage_icons.wotmod from the current directory into the mods/<current game directory>
The Graphics are included in the download and required for it to work as indicated.

Grandpa’s HitLog (No XVM)
This HitLog replaces the WarGaming log.
I have used this format for many years and find it easier to use and understand better than the WG one.
It uses Ekspoiint HilLog Announcer mod with Granpa’s config and icons.
- Download Grandpa’s config
- Download and install mod from here
- Install Grandpa’s config over the original mod
- Make sure to place the grandpa_damage_icons.wotmod file from the directory current version into the mods/<current game version> directory
- Go kill somebody in game
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