German Aircraft Custom Skins – WoWP

Some skins will have a separate post and download link.  Others will just have an image in the imgur album for its nation.  All downloads are on Yandex Disk in the planes folder.  If you see a skin you like in the album, go to Yandex and get the download. Also on this post, I will list skins and download links.


Imgur Album

German Aircraft

Fw 56
Ar 67
Ar 67 Version 2
Ar-68 HiGloss
He 51
Ar 80
Fw 159
He 112
Me 209 V4
Bf 109E/E-3
Bf 109E/E-3 Metal
He 100 D-1
Bf 109F
Supermarine Spitfire V DB 605
Bf 109G Gustav
Me 209A
Fw Ta 152
Me P.1092
Ta 183 Huckebein
Me P.1101
Fw 252
Ar-65 HiGloss
Ar 197
Fw 190A-1 *
Fw 190A5
Fw-190A5 HiGloss
Fw 190D
Fw 190 A-8/R2 *
Me 109 TL *
Me 109 TL High Gloss *
Voss P.210
Ao-192 HiGloss
Do 17Z-7
Fw 57
Bf 110B
Bf 110C-6
Bf 110E
Me 210
Me-410 V2
Me-410 HiGloss
Bf 109 Z Zwilling HiGloss
Bf 109Z Zwilling GunMetal
Do 335 A-1 Pfeil
Me 262 *
Me-262 High Gloss *
Me 262 HG II
Me 262 HG III
Hs 123
Ha 137V1
Ha 137
Fw 189C Eule
Ju 87G Version 1
Ju 87G Version 2
Ju 87G Hog
Hs 129B
HS-129B HiGloss
JU 88P *
ME-265 HiGloss
Me 329
Me P.1099 B-2 *
Me P.1102B
JU-86E *
HE-111 *
Do 17Z *
Ju 88A *
Ju-88A HiGloss *
Do-217M HiGloss *
JU-288 *
Link to German Aircraft with images.

Link to Download Folder for All Custom Skins

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