Here are some recommendations for mods that will dress up your KISS Interface with or without XVM or any other interface mod.
I use the following to dress up some of the scenery you see in game, especially the rail cars and other vehicles.
Content Mods include railcars reskin Content Railway Mods, some cars have graffiti, all are made easier to see. Copy/move the .wotmod file into the mods/x.x.x directory
Or visit the page for more information:
Grandpa’s Content Mods – Vehicles and Scenery
Grandpa’s Content Mods – Scenery and Vehicles
Grandpa’s Content Mods – Trains (Railway)
Grandpa’s Content Mods – Trains
Since I stopped updating my own audio mod, I now use three sound mods to get some good sounds for the game. They are: